
Showing posts from July, 2019

A Positive Message for July 25, 2019

Hello Everyone, Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. When friends turn their backs on you. when family members desert you. Know, be assured that God has got your back. He is that friend that sticks to you closer than a brother. He loves you, and always will. In fact, God loved you even before you were formed in your mother's womb, and He loves you today, tomorrow and always. Don't be afraid to say in your heart, "God I love you. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ to die for me. So that I can live right now for Him, and when I leave this earth, I will be with Him in Heaven. I am asking Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior. To wash me with His precious blood; fill me with His Blessed Holy Spirit, and take away all my fears and addictions. I will live for you from now on. Thank you Lord for saving me." If you prayed this prayer and meant it, you are now a born again Child of God. The angels in heaven are celebrating that you are now a

A Positive Message for July 23, 2019

Hello Everyone, Happy Tuesday! I hope that all is well. Are you anxious or depressed about something or someone? Let Proverbs 12:25 encourage your heart. It states, "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. (NKJV). Be encouraged by reading Philippians 4:6-8, which states that we are not to be anxious because of anything. But in everything by prayer and earnestly asking God, while giving Him thanks, tell God what you are asking Him for help with; and the peace of God, which is greater than all we are able to understand, will guard or watch over in order to protect our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. You can also read Isaiah 43:1-3; the Psalms and other parts of the Bible. Also, sing songs of praise to God, and worship Him, for "WORSHIP AND DEPRESSION CAN NOT OCCUPY THE SAME MIND AT THE SAME TIME." God loves you, and I love you too.

A Positive Message for July 18, 2019

Hello Everyone, Happy Thursday, Let's magnify and praise the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised. Put on your garment of praise, and bless His Holy Name. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ deserves all the glory, honor, riches and power, wisdom, blessing and strength. (Revelation 5:12) , While our Heavenly Father deserves all the glory, and honor, thanksgiving, and power, wisdom, blessing and might. (Revelation 7:12). Please give our Lord the praise, worship and adoration that's due to His Name. He is Worthy. God loves you, and I love you too.

A Positive Message for July 10, 2019

Hello Everyone, Look up, lift your eyes up to the hills, up to God, for our help comes from Him. Don't look down on yourself. Stop feeling bad about yourself. You are not a failure. You are made in God's image and likeness. You are like your Heavenly Father. You are marvelously and wonderfully made, by God and reflect Him. So look up and give God a praise. He is worthy of all our praises. God loves you, and I love you too.

A Positive Message for July 3, 2019

Hello Everyone, Don't let negative thoughts get you down. Cast all your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) So do not let anxiety hold you captive. Rather, cry out and tell it to the Lord (pray), and give Him thanks for working it out (Philippians 4:6-7), and He will give you peace of mind as He moves on your behalf. God loves you, and I love you too.